Introducing the new free App of Salam e-Stocks which offers you fast and convenient access to your online stock trading portfolio. Make precise decisions by monitoring your transactions, viewing your holdings and staying in touch with the everchanging financial markets. Explore how the app can support you:1. Execute orders (buy-sell-amend-cancel-market and limit orders) in Global markets through Mobile2. Access fast loading Intraday and historical charts3. Generate a one-time password (OTP) in hand with a highly secure system4. Ability to select call options or put options to get into an option contract5. Access top stocks including gainers, losers and most-active stocks for most markets6. Receive advisory notifications & trading alerts in real time for potential investment opportunities 7. Receive real-time announcements as released by the exchanges8. Access Custom and Smart watch lists including charts and grids to keep track of your favorite stocks, analyze the market and place orders rapidly. 9. Account and Portfolio summary, Global Market depth based on subscription,10. Time and sales details to track in-depth trade information11. Status panel to get updated about your trading status and the portfolio valuation12. Order list to view recent orders and search for historical orders13. Deposit, withdraw, transfer cash14. Detailed quote for symbols, giving you a snapshot of a symbols performance15. Bi-lingual (English or Arabic)